JN AA-3202 Modified Acrylic Acid Retanning Agent

JN AA-3202 Modified Acrylic Acid Retanning Agent

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JN AA-3202 Modified Acrylic Acid Retanning Agent

v  Function

JN AA-3202 is of excellentselective impregnating capacity. It is mainly applied to the impregnation ofthe loose parts of leathers hence reducing differences of retanning effects indifferent parts. Besides, it boasts great permeating capacity so that crustleather becomes full and soft with fine and firm grain after it is applied.Furthermore, it contributes a great deal to improving dyeing uniformity ofcrust leather. It also demonstrates excellent resistance to light and heat.

v  Specifications


Light Yellow Viscous Liquid


Acrylic Acid and Sulfated Oil Copolymer

Solid content(﹪)






v  Application

It can be applied inretanning various types of chrome-tanned leather.

v  Recommendedusage amount

3-5% (proportion as per theweight of shaving leather)

v  Caution

When it is used inconjunction with other retanning agents of high astringency, it should be added30 minutes earlier to ensure better effects.

Store in a cool, shady andwell-ventilated place. Its container should be sealed tightly.